Individual Development

Together with our customers, we develop individual electromagnetic high-tech solutions according to your requirements. With our experience, our development skills and our technical possibilities, we support you as long-term partner with high innovative strength.

Thanks to our experience  in diverse applications and associated production tecnology we are leaders in development and production of electromagnetic actuators and sensors. Our products are developed as custom designs within sophisticated customer projects. We provide engineering competence from acquisition to production to application.


In order to secure a high level of innovative force and development competence in the long term, we pursue basic development, by using simulation and calculation tools. We cooperate with recognized universities. We think ahead, thus we invest in innovative developments as well as in the professional training of our engineers and skilled workers.


[Translate to English:] Messplatz für Wegaufnehmer

Measuring station for transducers

[Translate to English:] Laborplatz in der Elektronikentwicklung

Laboratory workplace for electronics development

Digital microscope

Scanning electron microscope for material analysis

Spectral analysis for metals

Remagraph for measuring of magnetic properties

DSC Analysis

Pulsation pressure measurement devices

[Translate to English:] Kesternichkammer für Korrosionsprüfungen

Kesternich chamber for corrosion tests

[Translate to English:] Funktionsprüfstand Hydraulik

Function test bench for hydraulics

[Translate to English:] Sauberkeitsanalyse

Cleanliness analysis

[Translate to English:] Shaker bis 45kN

Shaker up to 45kN

High pressure test bench for hydrogen


Solenoids place high demands to precision and specially adapted production procedures and processes. Thus, know-how in production is one of our core competencies and requires a large vertical range of manufacture. Our ultra-modern equipment guarantees flexibility and competitiveness.


[Translate to English:] Mehrspindel Wickelautomaten

Multi spindle winding machines

Fully automated assembly and leakage test of tubes

Automated handling

Automated electroplating

CNC turning

[Translate to English:] Autopräventive Einrichtungen in automatisierten Fertigungslinien

Auto-preventive facilities in automated production lines

[Translate to English:] Fertigungsbegleitende Qualitätskontrolle

In-process quality control

[Translate to English:] CNC Laserschweißen

CNC laser welding

[Translate to English:] Kunststoff-Spritzguss mit automatisierter Teileablage

Plastic injection moulding with automated parts placement

[Translate to English:] Vollautomatische Kunststoffummantelung von Magnetkörpern

Fully automated plastic encapsulation of solenoid bodies

[Translate to English:] CNC Erodierverfahren für Prototypen und Werkzeugbau

CNC eroding procedures for prototypes and toolmaking


Even prior to the application of QA systems, »MSM quality« was well known. The goal of our quality management is to continuously improve the quality of our processes, products and services and to secure them by effective control circuits and modern quality management methods. In regular audits, we compare our quality standards with the relevant national and international standards as well as with customer requirements. Our certificates can be viewed by clicking the buttons below.



Certificate IATF 16949 Certificate ISO 9100 Aerospace Certificate ISO 9001


The highest award for us is the satisfaction and the success of our customer. Supplier Awards emphasise the effectiveness of our efforts and motivate us to continue performing at the highest level.

[Translate to English:] Liebherr