
Just like our customers we expect high standards. »MSM Quality« is a term and a seal we have built up in over 100 years. Our suppliers help us to meet the high requirements of our customers, this is why we rely on long-term and trustful cooperation with powerful partners.

In our supplier manual, we have summarised general requirements. If you are interested in a cooperation with Magnet-Schultz, we ask you to please read and observe the supplier manual.

Supplier Application

Applications can be made by our application form. Please attach the following documents to your application:

  • The completed supplier self-assessment (Lisa),
  • Our non-disclosure agreement (GHV) in signed form
    (also originals sent by mail) and your valid certificates.
  • Your company presentation

You will receive a confirmation of the received application. If Magnet-Schultz is interested and you meet our requirements, we will contact you.


Whistleblowing System

You can submit a report of an offence at any time and anonymously if you wish. You will be guided step by step through the necessary information.

To the reporting office