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AOK Certification Healthy Company

As 1st company in Memmingen and 8th company in Bavaria, Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG receives the certification in silver for occupational health management.


From right to left: Mr. Hartmann, Mrs. Schweres, Mr. Weißenhorn, Mr. Lasser, Mrs. Merk-Bäuml, Mr. Kienle, Mr. Scholz, Mrs. Preugszat

AOK Bayern supports companies to create a systematic occupational health management (BGM) with sustainable structures and to design work processes in a healthier manner. Since this year, outstanding performances of the companies are honoured by AOK Bayern with certificates in bronze, silver and gold.

Magnet-Schultz applied for this certification and was audited with a positive result by AOK Bayern in December. Magnet-Schultz could be awarded with the certificate in silver which was presented by the director of AOK direction Memmingen, Mrs. Merk-Bäuml, on 19.01.2017.

The auditors verified among others the involvement of BGM in the company strategy, the systematic and targeted implementation of measures in prevention as well as their efficiency.

Already in 2012, MSM started with health circles. In the meantime they have established themselves as a very effective instrument for problem identification and solution. In advance, interviews have been made in the different departments for all employees. With these results, the main topics can be processed in a targeted way and improvements can be implemented.

In parallel, further actions take place as e.g. capture of work situation, ergonomics training, health weeks, workshops on the topic of addiction prevention for superiors as well as for apprentices.

Also for the future, the control team of Work Circle Health plans further targeted measures for health prevention.

We thank all persons involved who have contributed to this great success and particularly AOK Memmingen who always advice and support us with their specialists.

Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG

Memmingen, 19.01.2017